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Digital Transformations to 

Eliminate Your Process Frictions

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Digitally Mature Companies Grow Faster than their Peers

Digitally Mature means being Agile, Efficient and Effective, with continuous Improvement. For office work, this means conducting business anytime-anywhere, with minimal manual tasks and zero paper or in-person meetings required. Customers gain speed, convenience and trust.

Automate Employee and Customer workflows via "DTM", where better outcomes mean:

….all the time caring for people and the planet: no travel, paper or wasted efforts.

Small Trees from recycled Paper - ESG concept 16_1000

Digitise - Automate - Optimise

L1 Fast-tracking-Main Stages v6

Icon provides UK organisations with mission-critical business process technologies
    - for document, identity & signing workflows: remove over 70% of admin costs!         



Solve documentation, identity & consent barriers to great customer experience

We co-create own-brand solutions for clients, combining best innovative technologies to enable disruptive business models.
Automated Identity Services populate personalised documentation within omni-channel engagement processes.
Enterprise solutions for integrated text, data, image and video within seamless customer journeys.   
Consents, Contracts, Communications and Compliance reinvented for any process.

How will you envision yours? 

Icon Identity Hub

Select the ideal combination of integrated modular functionality for your process

Businesswoman - Cloud island-M

Relationship-led Documentation builds loyal customers 

Great Customer Experience and Productivity needs the right combination of technologies, typically Cloud-based (private, shared, on-prem hybrid) with single views of truth. These Digital Transformation enablers allow new people and process possibilities in any workflow. Each of our Customer First client-unique solutions handholds you with expert consulting, best-of-breed software platforms and implementation experience. 

Investing in better relationships drives loyalty, longevity and share of wallet.

We help overcome document-centric transaction friction so you can engage customers and partners better. 
Improve NPS, AML, KYC, CAC, CLV, ROI or most other "TLA" process metrics. Envision and create the bigger picture. 

Discover first steps to improve your business process...

Digital Maturity Model

Revenue growth, information assurance and better compliance - is your organisation ready?
Our workflow Digital Maturity Assessment helps avoid project over-reach; Test your next steps feasibility or digital transformation scope... 

Digital Maturity Assessment

Assess Your Maturity


Return on Investment (ROI) Model

Workflow productivity needs investment, but what's the payback?
Estimate savings on print-scan costs, meetings, and repetitive administrative tasks. Discover your potential project ROI...

Example DT ROI Results Chart

Assess Your R.O.I.

Enhance document and identity-centric customer communications - improve costs, engagement & productivity

iconuk works with clients to unlock step-change cost reductions and business benefits from their Enterprise Document, Content and Information Infrastructure. Seamlessly process workflows: integrate content from live and archive sources, create personalised multi-lingual documents, capture & verify identity, manage digital consents & signing, and connect users to their data. 

Cost-effective omni-channel engagement that clients & partners prefer. Our innovative anytime-anywhere solutions across all channels­ improve operational efficiency, increase customer satisfaction, reduce risk and improve quality and compliance.

Enable digital transformation, 90% time reduction, dramatic effectiveness & NPS gains gives 10X-16X Return on Investment cases with payback within months.  Key ways to secure payback: 

  • engage more personally with prospects and customers

  • replace paper documents and rationalise workflows

  • enhance content creation and leverage existing data better
  • consolidate systems, data silo's, workstreams and production

  • reduce fraud with assured identity technologies

  • enable business productivity, reduce IT dependencies.

Short on time? Short Video Summaries

Click to view:

 e-Signing Play VideoPaperless Signing - How to Capture a Handwritten Digital Signature: Remove the main cause of process delays and costs. No fax, print, mail, scan or store paper!


Clipboard video thumbnailPaperlite Clipboard - e-pen + Capture: Complete Handwritten Forms on Paper & Digitally, simultaneously! The stepping stone to ‘digital by default’, with no culture change.

Take the 60 second tour - Dopix video150x112Enterprise Documents Creation and Output Management: this animation answers 'Why invest in Customer Communications ("CCM") software?


SuiteBox video -150x112Advise remotely: Boost NPS & Compliance. Perpetual Digital Workspaces with web-video engagement, forms collaboration and consent capabilities. Record all said, seen, shared or signed.

Working Remotely - Engage Better

Solutions for all parts of document and transaction lifecycle workflows

Outcomes include:

  • Better processes, biometrically enabled, personalised, always-on
  • Speed up business with faster individualised process flows

  • Step change cost-efficiency and convenience

LIP UK logo

Lifecycle Interaction Processing

Automated workflows and realtime views from any datasourcesRead More >


Customer Communications Management 

Create and distribute Omni-Channel Customer Communications

Read More >

   Live-ID & eSAW

 Live Identity Management & eSignAnyWhere

     Live-ID in-session video identity capture, verification and signing  

Read More >

   Control all steps in the signing process 2

  Biometric eSigning / SIGNificant & ClipBoard

    Paperless & Paperlite Signing for  documented consent workflows 

Read More >

Discover information governance issuesInformation Governance
Information protection, threat prevention, compliance and collaboration -  can you gain fast visibility and control across your whole enterprise information content wherever it resides?

Discover the only all-in-one solution for all - and our Content Health Check services Read More


Product and Company News

arrow Report highlights critical importance of Digital Signatures
arrow Ambienta acquires 70% stake in Namirial
arrow COVID-19 Response: Helping remote workers to get documents signed
arrow Lifecycle Interaction Platform - Crisis Response (LIP-CRS)
arrow Balancing Fraud Management with Customer Experience in High-Value, Complex Service Workflows 


Accreditation & Memberships include:
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